We may claim Jesus is the only way and yet mock it by our harsh words, brash unkindness, and blatant disobedience to His words.  We may believe that His words are unrealistic in our world, but still claim Him as our way to heaven.  Living His words is the way we walk the way.  Jesus said to, “Love your enemies” — if He is the way it means that too.  Jesus said, “Forgive those who sin against you” —if He is the way, it means that too.  Jesus said that loving your neighbor as yourself is an extension of loving God with your whole being — if He is the way, well, it means that too.  We need to move beyond merely touting Him as the “only way” and start walking the only way; you cannot claim one without doing the other.  If Jesus is the way, it means following Him is the very best way to live your life.  Un-loving and un-forgiving living never work out.  Jesus knew that, so should we.  Walking in this love is the only way to live that will end up at the Father’s house.  No one cares about our witness when we act unkind and mean-spirited.  Our hypocrisy on this one is a log in our eye, and a stumbling block to those who might just discover Jesus’ way to live their lives also.

From “Growing Toward Maturity”, by H. Lamar Smith  View Here