All behavior has consequences. Having been forgiven for some past
All behavior has consequences. Having been forgiven for some past
Emmanuel, God with us, is a fulfillment of one of
Joseph had a hard decision to make. His betrothed was
Saying negative things about the people you are praying for
If we cannot give love, then we have not yet
God is working straightness out of our crooked lines. He
Paul writes of those who “hold to a form of
Sanctification is not a pursuit limited to super Christians. To
The first Sunday of Advent focuses on being ready for
Thanksgiving helps us keep focused on the Lord. The material
Our thanksgiving must include the material but must extend beyond
Be thankful for the embrace of our Father. He has
“I cry aloud with my voice to the LORD; I
The complexity of the universe from the microscopic to the
When we read, "No eye has seen, no ear has