Love Is Of One Piece
Jesus taught that the greatest commandment is to love God
Jesus taught that the greatest commandment is to love God
Worship can degenerate into entertainment. Entertainment is about the people
God does not engineer the events of our lives, but
We have not yet gotten hold of a simple but
People who are prone to fear will not only find it in the shadows; they will find it in full light. Fear is a terrible way to live our lives. We can draw up long lists of people whom we should fear. The Holy Scriptures always direct us away from fear.
Our Father is an encourager. He wants no one to
“But just as he who called you is holy, so
Those “born from above” live the Golden Rule. They are
There are some things that cannot be separated in the
Life can be mundane. The repetition of recurring tasks can
Adam’s sin made him hide from God, but God’s reaction
Sometimes we are disappointed with God, because we expected Him
A family member is killed. A spouse wants a divorce.
Life brings with it high times and low times. We
Joseph said to his brothers, “You meant it to me