Sometimes we are disappointed with God, because we expected Him to act in a way He did not.  We had visualized an answer to prayer that would come in a certain way, or in a certain time; it did not.  We become hurt with the Father!  But wait!  The problem here is not with God, but us.   We wanted Him to control the situation, and He did not.  We have always said, “God is in control,” but He did not exercise “control”.  The situation got worse.  The persons we wanted Him to change became meaner.  God is very much into persuading and loving and not into forcing and controlling.  When we are disappointed with God, we need to pause and ask ourselves this question:  “Have I constructed a God in my mind and my theology who does not exist?”  Let God be Who He is!

“God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM’…{In Hebrew it means, “I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE.”} ’This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations’” Ex 3:14a, 15b (NASB).