The God-Spring
“The woman said to Him, ‘Sir, give me this water,
“The woman said to Him, ‘Sir, give me this water,
Christ does not meander aimlessly. He knows your destination. He
Jesus has joy when we do the right thing. The
God wants to do something through you today. He wants
Someone has said, “If we haven’t that within us which
By incarnation one Person of the Trinity stepped into time
(1 day until Pentecost). Israel had a pillar of cloud
( 4 days until Pentecost). "If you love Me, you
(5 days until Pentecost). “For I will pour out water
(6 days until Pentecost). “And I will pour out on
(7 days until Pentecost). Pentecost was a day to celebrate
The Spirit does not need to investigate you. He who
Mother Teresa wanted people in her life to be “victims
God loves you more than you love yourself. His love
Life will have its disappointments. To think otherwise is to