Regular Worship
“I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us
“I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us
The church is not the place we huddle to name
The Holy Spirit becomes in us, “A well of water
The divisions and factions of popular culture can work their
We live in a time where the great mantra is,
We are spiritually kin to all those who claim God
Jesus taught us to work out our differences face to
Jesus told His disciples that loving Him and keeping
The New Testament affirms that Christ is the head of
Our union with Christ is like that of the bride
He has come! He is here! He will come! He
The drift away from Christ-centeredness, from active faith and from
As the Lord speaks and whispers to individual souls, so
The Risen Christ came to church, and Thomas missed church.
He who always was, the Son of the Father, was