Poverty Making Rich
Paul wrote of the early apostles, “as poor, yet making
Paul wrote of the early apostles, “as poor, yet making
We may claim Jesus is the only way and yet
Voices come to us and call us from different directions
What was scandalous to the Roman world was that slaves
Paul saw a time when love would be warped. Folks
Children of God are heirs with Jesus. We are joint
Jesus was declared as God’s beloved Son, both at His
Human history has been strewn with the visitation of plagues.
I grew up with a strong work ethic, for which
The Jewish scriptures have their fulfillment in Christ. Dr. William
There is a tension between the simple and the complex.
“This is a sure thing: If we die with him,
The church gets lost when it ceases to truly follow
Sweeping, washing and cleaning are activities that we have to
How many people came to hear the sermons of Jesus