Good Folks
I have seen my share of hypocrites; I have seen
I have seen my share of hypocrites; I have seen
Ancient kings would extend their kingdoms to far reaching cities;
It was not fair to Jesus either. Someone lied about
We have a biological family and we have a spiritual
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
We recoil from the word “Master”. Its connotation offends us;
It was hoped that the Messiah was to be a
If we believe that God is Trinity then we have
A farmer looks forward to the first fruits of harvest.
Abraham was known as a “friend of God”; he walked
There were many victims to the cruelty of Roman crucifixion.
John the Baptist proclaimed Jesus as the “Lamb of God
Kings were expected to be shepherds that cared for the
“For the Son of Man came not to be served
God’s Good News is that the Kingdom of God has