Humans Need God
It is not possible to be fully human without connection
It is not possible to be fully human without connection
To love those who hate Him, To do good to
We have reduced the word disciple to student or learner.
The disciples are constantly worried about not having enough resources.
The Bible asserts the enduring power of truth: “His truth
We are admonished to “walk in a manner worthy of
Sin blinds to truth. It will cause us to rationalize
We have put ourselves in the untenable place of trying
The heaviest burden we have to bear is our own
We love to quote 2 Peter 1:3–4 how the promises
Molds serve a great function in manufacturing. In the church
I have seen my share of hypocrites; I have seen
Ancient kings would extend their kingdoms to far reaching cities;
It was not fair to Jesus either. Someone lied about
We have a biological family and we have a spiritual