Molds serve a great function in manufacturing.  In the church they can be more than problematic.  Truth is, most all churches have a mold, that is, their expected outcome of what a member is to be like.  Molds in the church bring with it folks who think they are in “quality control” to ensure the right outcome; controlling and molds seem to go together.  The problem with molds in the church are these:  One, we are not all at the same place in our spiritual development.  Secondly, no two people are alike.  Even if we reach some advanced level of maturity, we are still not all the same.  In our Mother’s womb there are daily changes through the whole nine months; once we are born we are babies, children, adolescents, young adults, middle adults and older adults.  All these stages are also true of spiritual development. Our molds can deny this; our molds and controls can frustrate, and in some cases, drive good folks away. Blessed is the church and people that realize this. Any mold we have which has an end other than Christlikeness is an idol to be broken. Give the Holy Spirit space to do His work.

Jesus, forgive us for the molds for others we have in our minds.  Teach us how to give folks the same space someone gave us in our immaturity.  May we learn how to encourage and nurture others. May the way we love be fertilizer to the growth of our brothers and sisters.  Amen!