The Bible asserts the enduring power of truth: “His truth endures to all generations” (Psalm 100:5, 117:2).  Truth is found in surprising spots, in unorthodox places; even nuggets of it are found in distorted religions, godless cultures, and ethnic groups that do not look or think like us. We do not have a corner on the truth market.  — Even error has to authenticate itself by wearing a truth mask. — The human heart is built to recognize it. —You can reject truth but it will come back to be your judge.  You can testify against it and it will prove you a false witness.  You can deny it, destroy it, suppress it, misrepresent it, conceal it, and rationalize it. The loss of it brings chaos. In the final analysis, truth will not be suppressed, it will not be ignored,   Truth has in it resurrection power.  You can reject it, bury it, exile it, but it will come back.  You can run away from it and it will pursue you. Truth is the grain of the universe that you cannot go against without consequences; it is the anvil that will destroy the hammer that beats on it.  It will finally come back in the words of prophets, poets, and philosophers; saints and sages, having cherished it in their minds, again will reassert it.  It will be rediscovered in ancient words; it is incubated in surprising places to be revealed in hours of wrong.  New converts will come to it.  Peace, righteousness and justice will return.  Truth will be vindicated; its victory is certain.  God will see to it.

“Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne, Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.” —James Russell Lowell

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