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“As he passed by, he saw a man blind from
“As he passed by, he saw a man blind from
He makes the righteous (the justified ones) perfect (complete). This
God calls unlikely people. Paul the persecutor. Matthew, the tax
My wounds are connected to His wounds; my suffering is
A mountain goat amazes us with how surefooted they are.
Horses need a bit in their mouth to help them
I just got a note that my computer is updated.
Keep your mind and heart clean and your life will
A police car was in front of me, waiting for
Jesus won the victory for us in an unanticipated way
We are instructed as disciples to pray at all times
We see “Help Wanted” signs everywhere. God has always been
People can do horrible things to each other. They can
“We know that in everything God works for good with
I once was an alien without a country. I wanted