The Unity Of God’s People
We are spiritually kin to all those who claim God
We are spiritually kin to all those who claim God
When we are called out by the King to follow
The tax collector Zacchaeus declared that he would make things
Jesus calls His sheep by name and they recognize His
Can we know the mind of God? Not on our
“You shall receive energy from Me after the Holy Spirit
We are now linked to God by His own Spirit
Tough times may come in spurts or as an onslaught.
Faith is dearer than we think. Hope is surer than
We all desire to be accepted as a person of
Prayer is to attune your soul to the music of
Because of our flaws, we sometimes think we have let
Paul speaks of Christ being “formed in us,” (Galatians 4:19).
Satan is both adversary and accuser. It is very easy
Jesus gave a powerful analogy for critical people. Sawdust and