Beware of False Prophets (3)
False prophets are often admired. They have perfected pleasing words
False prophets are often admired. They have perfected pleasing words
The false prophet comes in sheep’s clothes; his clothes are
Throughout the ages false prophets have existed right alongside true
We all know someone who has trouble trusting because of
We can be choosing when we don’t realize that we
We do not wage war as the world wages war.
“So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and
“Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments,
There is a brazen discrepancy between the love we profess
The Ten Commandments remind us that we are not to
In light of where we are at this moment, only
Empires do not like rival kings. That’s why Herod set
Addictive Power of Emotional Pain: There is an addictive power
I am fascinated by the butterfly effect. This is “the
The Great Commandment was first given in a context of