Addictive Power of Emotional Pain:  There is an addictive power in revisiting your old pains.  It is sad, but true.  You may succumb to reciting these pains to others and replaying them to yourself.  Be very careful; reliving these pains has a biochemical brain reaction.  The rehashing of these old events generates endorphins that give us a kind of negative fix, something that we may revisit again and again.  Playing with this fire will burn you.  These unhealthy cycles can only be broken by real forgiveness, a disciplined letting go and Spirit driven self-control.  The most healthy thing spiritually and physically that you may ever do is to just not go there any more.

Father, we have been shaped by everything that has occurred in our lives, including deep emotional pain.  Teach us by Your Spirit to avoid revisiting these things that numb our sense of Your Presence.  May Your stream of grace and mercy keep us in the flow of this healing relationship with You.  

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