A Benediction For The Suffering
“And the God of all grace, who called you to
“And the God of all grace, who called you to
The Spirit in us points to Jesus. Both Simeon and
There is nothing sadder than a soul closed in on
The energy that created and maintains creation is a witness
There is power in the Christ of the cross to
“Humble yourselves…your adversary is seeking to devour you” (I Peter
The things Jesus did not say to the disciples after
Our faith is to be a living faith expressed as an ongoing relationship with our Lord. It is too easy to rest in the platitudes of the past generation. Religious groups have an agreed-on language that marks their tribe. Sadly, learning this language is often mistaken for discipleship.
Our devotional life must move beyond mere sentimentality and beautiful
At the moment of Jesus’ death the 90 ft. tall
We as Christians often speak of a surrendered will. We
“If your enemy is hungry to feed him, and if
Esau had been ill-treated and cheated by Jacob most of
The story of Joseph (Genesis 43-45) is one of the
The Arameans were making war with Israel, by a miracle