Practicing Restitution
Restitution is the act of restoring to another what has
Restitution is the act of restoring to another what has
I cannot empty myself of myself by self-denial without the
There are those who live for the things the world
You have heard it said, “There are two sides to
We make a lot of the day when Christ will
Our God does not sacrifice humans or even animals for
As a pastor I have sat beside the bed of
The line from the song, “Whiter Than Snow” prays, “Help
A stone can serve as a step; it can also
Some houses are welcoming and inclusive to all; some shut
“You also, as living stones, are being built up as
We view stones as cold, solid, static and lifeless. Temples
An arch depends on a keystone. It is that special
The builders select stones to fit into the wall. Certain