Celebrating the Saints
In the NT all Christians are saints (“holy ones”). We
In the NT all Christians are saints (“holy ones”). We
October 31 has a long history of witchcraft, the demonic,
All the sin in the whole world was funneled into
Satan is an opportunist. He does not fight fair. He
You may be at the end of your rope; God
Let’s stop wringing our hands over militant Islam, communist China,
Jesus’ words at Nazareth were unwelcome, so that made Him
Jesus, at His hometown Nazareth, met attitudes at their worship
It is possible to look in all the wrong places
God can do what God chooses to do. Yet,
Thomas Merton suggests that we have a false self that
If we focus too much on our problems we get
God seldom speaks in an audible voice. We hear Him
“A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone