Love Or Nothing
To experience the infilling of the Spirit is to have
To experience the infilling of the Spirit is to have
“Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”
God knows the heart. He also knows that we need
According to the Kingdom of God, real power rests in
“Give us this day our daily bread”. This is to
The resurrection of Jesus from the dead was more than
No matter how much you struggle with where you are
We crave religious experiences, encounters that give us high moments.
You may have been conceived in love or lust. You
The world belongs to Jesus. He is its King. He
It is impossible for another person to meet all of
We cannot and will not advance the Kingdom of God
It is not easy for a person who has suffered
In the Letter of James we are invited to ask
God does not do selfies. He is concealed in the