Yours the Kingdom

“Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever” (Matthew 6:14).  To Him belongs the kingdom.  This is about His Lordship and our servanthood.  This is about His authority and our submission.  This is about His ownership and our stewardship.  To Him belongs the power.  He is the absolute power of the universe.  He has no equal who can rival His power.  Power “belongs” to the “Father” who is “Holy”. To Him belongs the glory.  He deserves all the praise.  He will not share His glory with another.  He is worthy and we are unworthy.  He deserves our praise and we should see that He gets it.  Kingdom forever!  Power forever!  Glory forever! “Forever” says that His kingdom will have no end. If we are stuck on “our little kingdom” and “looking for our glory” and are into “wielding our power” how can we sing this doxology or close our prayer with it?  The ending is added for precisely that reason.  His majestic-universal kingdom eclipses all others.