Not Of Natural Descent
“Children of God” was understood by many in ancient Israel
“Children of God” was understood by many in ancient Israel
“He came to His own, and those who were His
Jesus was declared as God’s beloved Son, both at His
The act of receiving Jesus is a responsive act to
“He came to His own, and those who were His
The people of Christ are to be a peace making
To follow Jesus is to follow the very Prince of
“Children of God” was understood by many in ancient Israel
The act of receiving Jesus is a responsive act to
The incarnation is far more than a miracle conception. It
The Spirit of Christ in us authenticates God as our
“For all who are led by the Spirit of God
The ancient world was divided by slaves and free persons.
The eternal Word was with God and was God. The
John, in his epistle, offers “practicing righteousness” as the alternative