“Every man’s way is right in his own eyes” (Proverbs 21:2a NASB).   For this we need to repent.  Our arrogant certainties lead to constant argument.  For this we need to repent.  A cocky intolerance that forbids even listening to someone else’s opinion.  For this we need to repent.  Seeking only opinions and information that supports our slant.  For this we need to repent.  Our feelings of superiority to folks that are not like us and don’t think like us.  For this we need to repent.

Father forgive us for confusing our opinions with truth and for thinking that our way is Your way.  Help us to realize that we know less than we think we do.  May we learn to sit as a fellow learner with our fellow humans with You as our Teacher.  Amen!

{From “Sonlight for the Soul”, by H. Lamar Smith)