Jesus said, “I stand at the door and knock.”  We usually think of this being the door of Jesus’ initial entry into our heart.  A pastor friend of mine, Rev. Emilio Menchu shared this insight,  “Jesus is still knocking on all the doors that we have not yet opened to him.”  He wants to open the things in our heart that we have left closed far too long for our soul’s health.  He wants to face with us the hidden wounds that tend to reinfect us.  He wants to release us of fears that paralyze us.  He wants to set us free from shame that depresses us.  He wants to open the closet that hides motives, intents, and attitudes that must be exposed.  These doors are painful to open, but we must.  He knocks in kind persistent love until we open them all.  

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and He with Me.” Revelation 3:20 (NKJV)