God was reestablishing His Kingship through His only begotten Son.  The Kingdom was mocked by those in political and religious authority.  The robe was meant to jeer him.  Thorns were meant to imitate a kingly crown.  The cross was a cruel throne for one who would dare interject Himself into the established political order as King.  The title over His cross was not meant for acclamation but for defamation.  While God is seeking to establish His kingdom, we are busy working and trying to establish ours, or someone else’s kingdom.  That too is a form of rejecting our rightful King.

“My kingdom isn’t the sort that grows in this world,” replied Jesus.  “If my kingdom were from this word, my supporters would have fought to stop me being handed over to the Judaeans.  So, then, my kingdom is not the sort that come from here. “So!” said Pilate.  “You are a king, are you?… “I was born for this; I’ve come into the world for this” (John 18:36-37 “Kingdom New Testament).