“You love all words that devour,” said David to a boasting, evil person (Psalm 52:4 NASB).   He referred to this person’s tongue as a sharp razor, devising destruction.  Words do have the power to destroy or build up.  Mean-speak will not build up a child, a church or a country.  Words, rightly spoken, can edify, encourage, give hope and spur onward to the good and the better.  God spoke into existence the good creation.  Speak your words with creative design.

Father, teach us how to use words that carve out hope.  May we know how to speak fitting words to those who have been beaten up by bad words.  Teach us to use words that bind up the brokenhearted, encourage the faint, and kindle love.  Holy Spirit, even speak through us these words.  In the Name of the life-giving Living Word, we pray!