Humans are more than mere higher animals.   Male and female are created in the image of God.  This sets humans apart from all creation.  We are to respect and revere all human lives because all are made in God’s image.  The great devaluing of fellow humans by taking human life shows a decline in truly valuing God and those made in His likeness.  We are prone to value only ourselves.  We abuse and kill God’s other children, because they are worth less than we think we are.  Value every person!  Renounce pride!  Humble yourself!  “Give preference to one another in honor” Romans 12:10b.  Respect human life!  It is precious enough that Jesus died to redeem it.

“So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 (NRSV)