The Bible was written over hundreds of years within cultures and with a worldview much different from our own.  We tend to bring our culture to the Bible to find out what it means.  Certainly the Book speaks to all ages and situations, but lazy methods of interpreting and applying often send us in the wrong direction.  First, we need to sit where they sat to hear what the Lord is saying to our time.  We need the work of biblical scholars, faithful pastors and careful teachers.  There must be more than “private interpretation” (KJV).  We need to interpret Scripture as the body of Christ, through the lens of Christ, by the Spirit of Christ. — from “Distorting Scripture” in “Springs In Dry Places”, by H. Lamar Smith

“But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s private interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but humans moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” 2 Peter 1:20-21