In all human kind there is a deep longing for God!  Sometimes unrecognized!  Sometimes repressed!  Always there!  Our devotional life, at its best, is a conscious expression of this longing.  Match this with God’s longing for you, and you will have even more motivation to be with Him.  As the father rejoiced over the return of the prodigal, so the Father rejoices over every step we make toward Him.  He lavishly loves His children, not just waiting for them but actively searching them out!

Dear Lord, forgive me for all the times I have not nourished my longing for you.  Forgive me for allowing the desire for other things to nudge out this longing.  Open my eyes and my heart to glimpse the greatness of Your love for me.  “Jesus Lover of my soul, let me to Thy bosom fly.”  Let me find in You the deep homesickness of my soul fully satisfied!  Amen!