If someone told you that your house was about to explode because of a gas leak and you believed it, you would get out immediately.  We have reduced belief to head knowledge that does not require any real actionable response.  That is not the NT word for believe. “Belief” in the NT Greek is much more comprehensive than that.  It means to “trust in, cling to, rely on, believe into, entrust (trust into), adhere to, place full confidence in, to give one’s heart to, to live one’s life by the reality of His Lordship”.  So, do you believe?  What are you clinging to like your life depends on it?  What do you rely on everyday?  What do you adhere to like glue?  What are you trusting?  Are you believing into Christ so much that you are becoming one with Him?  What are you the most invested in?  What is your confidence?  What is your lord and master?  Where is your heart in all of this?  Belief/faith is totally life altering!

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved” (Acts 16:31).