
12October 2023

Touching the Untouchables 

By |October 12, 2023|Categories: Christ, Compassion, Devotionals, Healing|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Touching the Untouchables 

Jesus violated purity laws by touching the untouchable.  He touched lepers.  He touched a dead body.  He was touched by a woman who was hemorrhaging, which would have made Him unclean. Jesus shocked the people of His day by crossing lines to touch the untouchables.  Every culture has them.  Who are your untouchables?  What

11October 2023


By |October 11, 2023|Categories: Character, Christian, Devotionals, Justice|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Cheating

The practice of cheating is not in line with our Christian walk.  Cheating happens in too many of the following ways.  Cheating on taxes by not reporting income. Fudging on insurance claims.  Failure to scan all items at checkout.  Failure to give a day’s work for a day’s pay by just killing time or

10October 2023

Guided to Ministry

By |October 10, 2023|Categories: Compassion, Devotionals, Guidance, Love, Maturity, Service, Spirit|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Guided to Ministry

In our prayers for guidance we often expect a voice or a special open door.  Could it be that love itself, shed abroad in our hearts by the Spirit, guides us?  If I love my neighbor as myself, will not that love guide me to lift the load they carry?  Will not compassion move

9October 2023

The Spirit And Vocation

By |October 9, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Ministry, Spirit|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on The Spirit And Vocation

Jesus’ reception of the Holy Spirit at His baptism marked the beginning of His ministry, His work on this earth.  The Holy Spirit is given to us for our work on this earth.  We have made the Holy Spirit to be about wonderful religious experiences in our unrelenting self-focus.  He is given to us,

8October 2023

Moral Pollution

By |October 8, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Kingdom of God, Love|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Moral Pollution

The earth, air and waters of our world have become very polluted by our trash.  Society around us is polluted by other kinds of trash: violence, moral decay, rage, hatred and loss of ethics.  All this, and more, pollutes the cultures in which we live.  If this rotting pollution would go away, and love

7October 2023

God Communicates

By |October 7, 2023|Categories: Christ, Creation, Devotionals, Father, God's Word, Heart, Spirit|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on God Communicates

Idols “have mouths, but they cannot speak; they have eyes, but they cannot see” Psalm 115:5.  The God of Israel is a speaking God.  He spoke through the prophets.  In these last days He has spoken to us through His Son (Hebrews 1:1-2).  He speaks to the mind and heart by His Holy Spirit. 

6October 2023

Fear Not

By |October 6, 2023|Categories: Death, Devotionals, Evangelism, Love, Trust|Tags: |Comments Off on Fear Not

The Christian is not to be a promoter of fear.  Jesus has rescued us, even from the fear of death, so we do not need to fear those who might take our life.  Believers, who have put the weight of their whole trust on the Lord, know better than to fear.  Fearing people keeps

5October 2023

Your Story Matters

By |October 5, 2023|Categories: Devotionals, Gratitude, Worship|Tags: , |Comments Off on Your Story Matters

Never underestimate the story of God’s work in your life.  To do so is to underestimate the Lord’s handiwork.  Your story affects others more than you can know.  Your story encourages your friends to go on.  Your own story may be used as a multiplying influence on many other stories.  Tell the story of

4October 2023

Born By Glory And For Glory

By |October 4, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Divine Likeness, Father, New Birth, Power, Redemption, Sanctification, Spirit|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Born By Glory And For Glory

The power that overshadowed the tabernacle (Exodus 40:28-32) is the power that overshadowed the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:35).  She conceived and brought forth the One who “tabernacled among us” (John 1:14).  This power through which the Son was conceived is the power that hovers over us to create new birth.  The hovering Spirit comes

3October 2023

Red Lights And Green Lights

By |October 3, 2023|Categories: Devotionals, Love, Obedience|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Red Lights And Green Lights

I passed through a busy intersection that had 11 red lights and 3 green lights.  What is there about human nature that we have to shout out for people to stop in such powerful ways, lest lives be lost?  The “Thou-shalt-not” commands are there to help us avoid danger and death.  We need red

2October 2023

Your Neighbor

By |October 2, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Love|Tags: , |Comments Off on Your Neighbor

Jesus had just answered an inquiry about having eternal life by giving the questioner the Great Commandment of loving God totally and your neighbor as yourself. “But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, ‘And who is my neighbor?’" (Luke 10:29).  It seems that we want to wiggle out of this command by disqualifying

1October 2023

Life In The Son

By |October 1, 2023|Categories: Christ, Death, Devotionals, Life|Tags: , |Comments Off on Life In The Son

When we were enemies of God we were abiding in death.  But by the gift of God’s Son, who by His own death trampled down death, we now have life.  Eternal life has already begun for those reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.  This Life that came down from Heaven is revealed and embodied

30September 2023

The Lessons Of Suffering

By |September 30, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Suffering|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Lessons Of Suffering

“Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word…It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes” Psalm 119:67, 71 (NASB).  There are things that we learn in suffering which we learn no other way.  We can discover a deep intimacy with the Suffering

29September 2023

The Winsome Witness

By |September 29, 2023|Categories: Christ, Christian, Devotionals, Evangelism, Spirit, Wisdom|Tags: , |Comments Off on The Winsome Witness

There is a time to be silent and a time to speak.  Sometimes silence is the best witness.  Our incessant talking can have the undesired side effect of driving people away from the Lord we want them to love.  We are to be “full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom.”  When the fruit of

27September 2023

The Beauty Of Creation

By |September 27, 2023|Categories: Christ, Creation, Devotionals, Father, Worship|Comments Off on The Beauty Of Creation

The beauty of creation is a gift of the Creator to His creatures.  It could have been made gray and bland.  It is not.  It is colorful and tasty.  The wind blows fresh oxygen from a distant rain forest.  There is fragrance from nearby flowers.  Songs waft over our soul from the birds in

26September 2023

Keeping Covenant

By |September 26, 2023|Categories: Christ, Church, Faith, Faithfulness, Righteousness|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Keeping Covenant

One of the worst things that could be said about a person in the ancient world was that they were a covenant breaker.  There are covenants for community, marriage and our relationship with God.  Churches have covenants of belief and conduct.  God’s faithfulness to His covenant with us is called righteousness.  He is faithful,

25September 2023

Forgiving As Worship

By |September 25, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Forgiveness, Forgiving, Gratitude, Justice, Patience, Worship|Tags: , |Comments Off on Forgiving As Worship

We pass forgiveness on to others because the Lord in grace did not demand justice for our infractions, but out of love, and for the relationship He desired with us, freely forgave.  Those who have sinned must be patient with sinners.  Those who have been forgiven need to find ways to forgive.  Forgiveness of

24September 2023

Sheep Rescue

By |September 24, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Ministry|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Sheep Rescue

Good shepherds go looking for lost sheep because they care.  Hirelings value their pay check.  Shepherds value sheep.  Hirelings do not want to take the risks of encountering lions and bears, nor crawling down deep ravines.  Shepherds go at risk to themselves to pull back one from the brink of death.  Pastors, and the

23September 2023

First Fruits Of New Creation

By |September 23, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, New Creation, Resurrection|Tags: |Comments Off on First Fruits Of New Creation

The thing that most excited and animated the early disciples about Jesus’ resurrection was that it was completely different from a resuscitated human body.  Jesus himself had raised three people from the dead, but His own resurrection was very different.  His was a never-before-seen kind of body that made them know that the scriptural

22September 2023

Atonement (2)

By |September 22, 2023|Categories: Atonement, Christ, Devotionals, Intercession, Resurrection|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Atonement (2)

Atonement means at-one-ment.  Atonement restricted only to the cross always leads us astray with inadequate plans of salvation.  The atonement starts in the incarnation and includes the life He lived, the death He died, the burial He underwent, the resurrection He experienced, the ascension back to the Father, His enthronement in heaven at the

21September 2023

Atonement (1)

By |September 21, 2023|Categories: Atonement, Christ, Christlikeness, Devotionals, Divine Likeness, Father, Reconciliation|Tags: , |Comments Off on Atonement (1)

The word atonement in English is literally “at-one-ment”.  Theories that make the atonement a mere legal transaction because of the cross miss its fuller and richer meanings.  The idea is that God and man are reconciled.  When we are at-one with Jesus, being baptized into Him, in solidarity with Him, we are at-one with

20September 2023

Suffering And Glory

By |September 20, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Endurance, Perseverance, Suffering|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Suffering And Glory

Christ’s suffering ended in glory (Hebrews 2:9-10, I Peter 1:11), and so will ours.  Nothing, including our sufferings, can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39).  We are commanded to rejoice in persecution (Matthew 5:12).  We are to rejoice in suffering because of its outcome (Romans 5:3).  We are to endure suffering as a

19September 2023

Lord, Teach Us To Pray

By |September 19, 2023|Categories: Devotionals, Kingdom of God, Meditation, Prayer, Temptations|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Lord, Teach Us To Pray

Jesus did teach His disciples to pray.   He gave them a prayer.  We call it, The Lord’s Prayer.  It is both a pattern of prayer and a prayer to be prayed.  It may become trite for us if we pray it without engaging its meaning.  It is full of basic insights into the

18September 2023

Jesus Sympathizes

By |September 18, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Grace, Intercession, Mercy, Sorrow, Temptations|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Jesus Sympathizes

Bring your sorrows to the Man of Sorrows.  He was broken for us on the cross; we can safely bring our brokenness to Him.  He feels. He cares.  He is touched with the feelings of your infirmities.  He is your High Priest; He intercedes.  In the days of His flesh He experienced weakness, sorrow