The practice of cheating is not in line with our Christian walk.  Cheating happens in too many of the following ways.  Cheating on taxes by not reporting income. Fudging on insurance claims.  Failure to scan all items at checkout.  Failure to give a day’s work for a day’s pay by just killing time or being absorbed with phones or the internet.  Shading or hiding the truth on questionnaires.  Classroom cheating.  Cheating on one’s spouse. Sharing writings not your own as if they were your own.  Cheating steals and lies as well as being unjust; it is not righteous.  Christians are to act with real integrity; they should be people with good ethical standards. These reveal our true character.  All of these actions are a part of our witness, way more visible to the world than we want to acknowledge.

“Shall I acquit the man with wicked scales and with a bag of deceitful weights? (Micah 6:11 ESV).