It seems that there are two extremes when it comes to understanding and applying the Kingdom of God to life.  One is to totally spiritualize the Kingdom and the other is to totally politicize it.  The first keeps us from dealing with the very real injustices and compassionate concerns with which we should be actively involved.  The second may keep us focused on all these things while neglecting to bring our personal, private and inner life under the authority of the Kingdom.  The truth lies in a blend of the two.  Only people who have been transformed personally can transform the culture.  Only those who have salt and light in them can be salt and light to the world.  God wants holy people to touch the world; people who not only want to bring their lives in line with Christlikeness, but people who are seeing the kingdom come in real time and real places.

Spirit of God, keep transforming us on the inside so we will be Your real agents of change and reconciliation in the world.  May our spirituality drive us to get our hands dirty.   May we be like our Lord.  Amen!