Dumb Things
I have done lots of dumb things in my life.
I have done lots of dumb things in my life.
“We beheld His glory” (John 1:14). However others were near
The power that overshadowed the tabernacle (Ex 40:28-32) is the
“And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great
We can open our empty earthen vessels in brokenness and
Look for goodness in others. Look for the hidden Christ
Moses prayed, “Show me your glory” (Ex 33:18). He learns
We are born with a lean toward self and away
If you want to be a person of prayer, start
Feelings are not reliable. They change with the wind. They
We are involved in spiritual warfare. Battles can drain our
Paul’s problem with “sin that dwells in me” (Rom 7:20)
The Bible was written over hundreds of years within cultures
In the wilderness, Israel was to gather manna everyday, except
We are too intimidated by the culture’s limitations and parameters