The Hidden Christ
Prevenient grace is at work in all people. This grace
Prevenient grace is at work in all people. This grace
You cannot effectively argue with what you don’t understand. You
Most every language has two-syllable words that are often the
The human family is male and female. Both were made
The act of baptism is a re-enactment of the death,
Life is good, in spite of all the things that
We should cultivate the consciousness of living in the reality
Culture is driven by accepted customs. Churches are driven by
The One who said, “I am the truth” (Jn 14:6),
Somewhere between our brain and our mouth there should be
Holy Spirit, be the atmosphere in which I move. Be
Do not live in fear of being under a curse.
John deliberately begins his gospel as a parallel to the
So many times in Christian history the church has seen
When angry, do not let it become sin. That is,