Anna And Simeon
They could have easily been passed by as just two
They could have easily been passed by as just two
The Holy Spirit had revealed to a righteous and devout
Moses was commanded in the Exodus to hit the rock
On this day in 1951 a nine year old boy
When verses of Scripture are taken out of context and
There are some things that we have to bear with
“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from
Christ advocated for us from the cross. He advocates for
“Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer
The spirit of antichrist is that which denies the incarnation;
Nothing skews our understanding of God’s reconciling atoning work like
“Simon Peter replied, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of
Both Christ and the Spirit intercede for us (Romans 8:
Paul, in one of his prayers, speaks of the “God
The refilling of the Spirit is for one reason. It