The Mind of God
Can we know the mind of God? Not on our
Can we know the mind of God? Not on our
“You shall receive energy from Me after the Holy Spirit
We are now linked to God by His own Spirit
Prayer is to attune your soul to the music of
Paul speaks of Christ being “formed in us,” (Galatians 4:19).
Jesus gave a powerful analogy for critical people. Sawdust and
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to
Yes, He is real. He is real as in ultimate
Life can be confusing; questions can abound. We have not
Discipleship in the early NT church was that believers came
Defeating evil is rooted in surrender to truth. “You will
The Spirit is forming your heart so that He can
The earthly Jerusalem was the place that King David consolidated
“The woman said to Him, ‘Sir, give me this water,
Our Saving Messiah (Jesus Christ) brings us two great freedoms.