Making Amends
The 12 step program emphasizes making amends in step number
The 12 step program emphasizes making amends in step number
Building community is an activity of the Kingdom of God
Nothing skews our understanding of God’s reconciling atoning work like
To follow Jesus is to follow the very Prince of
God is bringing about the reconciliation of the world to
Jesus ate with sinners because love eats with sinners. Self-righteousness
Atonement theories are theories meant to explain how Christ reconciles
The word atonement in English is literally “at-one-ment”. Theories that
The reason the world does not know Jesus may be
“Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are
At many times in Christian history there were attempts to
“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle
I once was an alien without a country. I wanted
"Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar,
Jesus on the cross is “the image of the invisible