The Cosmic Christ
Christ is bigger than we imagine in our small ways
Christ is bigger than we imagine in our small ways
Nothing skews our understanding of God’s reconciling atoning work like
Jesus descended to earth by way of the incarnation. When
It is the Spirit that brooded over the waters of
Jesus touched a blind man twice. After the first touch
Three of the early heresies about Jesus’ nature were, (1)
Jesus touched a blind man twice. After the first touch
In Eden, God walked with Adam and Eve in the
Jesus came by incarnation as Emmanuel to restore His creation
We are now linked to God by His own Spirit
Peter was sent in an amazing step-by-step way to preach
We live in this world with a sense of loss,
The signs of Pentecost and what they point to are
Pentecost means the “fiftieth day” (from Passover). It was also
The market and money-changers’ tables had been set up at