Born from Above
We are born from above to be like God: we
We are born from above to be like God: we
According to Genesis, humans were created by the breath of
A baby is born! His name is Jesus! He is
God often came to barren women to give new hope
In Jewish thought the sea represented chaos. Before the creation
Christians reject Gnosticism (the false dichotomy of spirit and body)
Our life in this world is a place of preparation.
Connecting Advent and Holiness When God made everything, He declared
Human history has been strewn with the visitation of plagues.
The thing that most excited and animated the early disciples
It is the Spirit that brooded over the waters of
God holds together what He created. The universe does not
We were made out of dust to praise the Creator.
When the Lion lies down with the lamb, the lamb
The ultimate meaning of the Bible is Jesus Christ. He