The Isaiah Fast (Day 4)
Isaiah 58:7 (NIV) Is it not to share your food
Isaiah 58:7 (NIV) Is it not to share your food
Isaiah 58:6 (NIV) "Is not this the kind of fasting
Would you serve God if no one ever noticed, recognized
We have created an artificial world, one that simulates and
From time to time we often have God things that
The creedal statement “Jesus is Lord!’ means that Jesus is
We live in a world where children have experienced a
Jesus had a very wide healing ministry (Matthew 4:24, 9:35).
The Spirit leads; He speaks. He calls; He guides. Let
Three times Elijah says, “I alone am left.” (I Kings
Jesus intentionally moved among hurting people. He surrounded Himself with
We heal others out of our own brokenness. We comfort
Twice Paul used the phrase, “fellowship of the Holy Spirit”
Apollos was a Jew born in Alexandria, Egypt, a major
Baptism is the universal act of induction into the Christian