Being Different (2)
Those “born from above” live the Golden Rule. They are
Those “born from above” live the Golden Rule. They are
In our early Christian immaturity we thought that the will
You can kill with more than a gun. You can
Give them grace, and see what God does. Let the
Most of us think we need to do something great
Jesus promised that His yoke would bring rest to the
Jesus’ gentleness and kindness are not indicators of weakness. He
Being good to folks can give us moments without future
The only One who can truly judge another person is
The person who most upsets you and your life may
Speak With Love. The presence of love contributes to charitable
In Matthew 25 the sheep are separated from the goats.
What if all of us wore the same outfit to
When angry, do not let it become sin. That is,
So you want to be like Jesus! It is more