On Our Knees Or Face
Some of the words for worship in the NT carry
Some of the words for worship in the NT carry
Paul’s description of his service in Asia was that He
Failure can be a blessing. It can keep you humble.
What is there in us that makes us feel we
God’s Word creates. It created the world. It spoke into
It is easier to live in the little worlds that
Most of us love ourselves quite well. We know what
If the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Messiah, then
Power tends to dissipate. It must be renewed. A branch
We really do know how to turn the conversation back
It is not as easy as we think to avoid
A gift can become a problem: When we focus on
James and John wanted to sit at His right hand
Self-exalting narcissism never ends well. The law of the universe
Lucifer loved himself more than God. He said, “I will