Poor Gods
Humans make poor gods. We build kingdoms to rival the
Humans make poor gods. We build kingdoms to rival the
As our Father has pity for His children so we
When we get on the topside of our dark clouds,
Know yourself. Stop and look at your actions and reactions.
There were those who looked in and felt left out.
“I did not come to be served but to serve”
The love that the Father has for us is expressed
“Do you want to get well?” is what Jesus said
“Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time,
Spiritual healing comes through our relationship with the Father. Soul
The religious leaders and people of Jesus’ day were afraid
We don’t always get that for which we ask. One
The healing of the soul is not without scars anymore
The heart’s problem is that it is fixed on self-love
From the Christian perspective the goal of self-denial ends in