Our Sovereign God
Which is greater? (1) The God who predetermines/foreordains all things
Which is greater? (1) The God who predetermines/foreordains all things
John the Baptist said of Jesus’ baptism, "I saw the
We oversimplify God so we can own Him, so we
God is not the author of confusion. Confusion, disunity and
“The Word…came from the Father, full of grace and truth…
It may be more prevalent to do things for God
The goal of our life should be to live in
Moses was commanded in the Exodus to hit the rock
On this day in 1951 a nine year old boy
Follow the Lamb. He leads us straight to God. He
Gratitude keeps us from self-focus and is good for our
There are unnoticed silent offerings to God. Secret giving to
Your future is not inevitable. It is ever changing; much
Egypt was salvation for Israel through the slavery of Joseph.
“In Christ” is a relational statement. It is not static.