Embracing Mystery
Inability to accept mystery causes us to project its meaning.
Inability to accept mystery causes us to project its meaning.
“If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot
The universe is created and sustained by the very energy
In my life I have gotten angry at the wrong
The Father invites us to Himself. He does not overtly
My Dad used to say, I want to live to
God does not need our protection. We do not need
Hell is the place of rejecting God’s love. It is
How did Jesus get through rejection, mockery, betrayal, and all
Jesus told stories about landowners who put persons in charge
"Jesus said, 'I am returning to my Father and your
It is not uncommon for a son to take up
The signs of Pentecost and what they point to are
God’s love is tenacious. It is the Oh-love-that-will-not-let-me-go kind of
Following Christ requires more than an initial decision; it requires