Justification and Righteousness
Both of these words are from the same Greek word.
Both of these words are from the same Greek word.
Context is everything. The context of a faith and prayer
The disciples are constantly worried about not having enough resources.
I have seen my share of hypocrites; I have seen
We have a biological family and we have a spiritual
Paul outlined what good Christian teaching is all about when
One of the worst things that could be said about
Belief that does not express itself in works is not
It is dangerous to speak for God when He has
We are not called to be “Lone Ranger” Christians. We
Don’t strangle biblical stories with theological contortions about the story.
“Therefore, while the promise of entering his rest still stands,
“Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you
“Now Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a
There are times when the presence of our Lord is