The Isaiah Fast (Day 20)
To suggest that you are either for evangelism or justice
To suggest that you are either for evangelism or justice
You can even hear echoes of the Isaiah fast (58:5-7)
“I have other sheep, too, that are not in this
I am fascinated by the butterfly effect. This is “the
In Acts 17:22-31 is the story of Paul’s sermon on
In the KJV of Psalm 29:2 and 96:9 we are
The Christian is not to be a promoter of fear.
There is a time to be silent and a time
Jesus calls His sheep by name and they recognize His
Before Jesus was born Christ was! The Christ was present
The reason the world does not know Jesus may be
The tense “Go” of “Go therefore and make disciples” (Matthew
“He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag
There is no place for pride in God’s field. We
We see “Help Wanted” signs everywhere. God has always been