On Forgiveness (2)
Jesus give us the way of forgiveness and how not
Jesus give us the way of forgiveness and how not
Suffering is a part of the human experience. Jesus chose
Isaac Watts said of the cross “Did ere such love
The working of the flesh (i.e. the body controlled by
We often attempt to narrow our salvation and the atonement
Built into creation is dying and rising. We see it
When Jesus’ sordid crucifixion was over, even many in the
Jesus Christ reveals the humility of God; the One who
We keep trying to follow the Christ of a distant
The Creator died for the creature. The maker died for
John 3:16 is a believing that is more than a
Jesus was crucified outside of the city as a sign
Christ Descended to and Preached in Hades (5) When Jesus
About the series: Some of this is new ground for
“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a