Good Creation
Connecting Advent and Holiness When God made everything, He declared
Connecting Advent and Holiness When God made everything, He declared
Idols “have mouths, but they cannot speak; they have eyes,
The beauty of creation is a gift of the Creator
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me
Everywhere we look there are power cords and charge cords
A man bought a large arid piece of land, planning
We have created an artificial world, one that simulates and
It is the Spirit that brooded over the waters of
“Lord, the thorns that the ground brought forth in Your
God holds together what He created. The universe does not
Before Jesus was born Christ was! The Christ was present
Creation was designed by a Mind greater than any mind
Live in harmony with the created order. Your body and
When the Lion lies down with the lamb, the lamb
Every person is unique. It is a testimony to the