Disobeying The “Yes”
Disobedience is to say “Yes” to that to which God
Disobedience is to say “Yes” to that to which God
Resisting the Holy Spirit is way more than disobedience. At
“Ain’t-it-awful” is one of the games people play. It is
All spirituality begins in the heart and flows out. The
Jeremiah complains against the man who lives for himself without
Jesus intentionally moved among hurting people. He surrounded Himself with
We are to become like Jesus in resisting temptation, loving
King Jesus invites us to make the slave our brother,
There were those who looked in and felt left out.
Personal spirituality is vain if we are not seeking to
Jesus had a very wide healing ministry (Matthew 4:24, 9:35).
National and civil religion always tends to shut out those
We sort out the past in some very unhealthy ways.
The privileged have their own particular set of complaints that
The kingdom is here and it will come. When